

Herbology is the study of using natural items for medical purposes. Treatment may include herbs but may also include vitamins, minerals, or other natural items like shells or tree bark. Treatments may be consumed or may be in the form of salves or soaks. Herbology attempts to bring a whole body back into natural alignment through the use of natural items.


Iridology is the scientific analysis of patterns and structures in the iris of the eye. Analyzing the color portion of the eye can indicate areas and stages of inflammation throughout the body. The iris can reveal health levels, and transitions taking place in a person's body. It can also show the health of tissues, organs, as well as nutritional and chemical imbalances. Iridology helps build a picture of the whole person's health.

Merry Therapy

Merry Therapy is term coined by MaryAnne Meredith to encompass the complete care experience she is able to offer her clients. It is an intuitive energy guidance to motion you through your own adjustments, be it physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Merry Therapy can include iridology, herbology, supplements, mediation, visualizations, energy and intuitive healing and brings it all together to truly treat the whole person.

Merry Therapy is about looking inside for imbalances, and finding natural ways to bring harmony back to the whole person.

Please contact MaryAnne Meredith to learn more or book a session.

Please note our payment policies.